Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

I decided to start this blog for two reasons. First, because so much frustration is scratching at my insides that I'm afraid I might leap off the tallest building I can find if I don't get it out of my system. Second, as I shake off the shit that threatens to make my head explode and develop the negative into a positive picture (as Lauryn Hill once sang) I figure I can share my positive outcomes and optimism with you. I'm looking to perform my own brand of photosynthesis here: by placing my mind's fertile garden beneath the rays of positivity, I'll trigger a flow of energy that will allow me to draw in good thoughts, while expelling the useless, demoralizing crap that comes from people disinterested in helping me succeed. I say "disinterested" because I've begun to observe that many of these non-helpers are not plotting my downfall...they simply couldn't care less one way or the other. But don't get me wrong, I've had my share of enemies too...some wolves in sheep's clothing, others wolves in wolve's clothing.
Right now, I'm having major career growing pains...scratch that, their more like growing CONTRACTIONS! Since 2003, after I had an epiphany one day about what career I should lock my sights on, I've known I wanted to establish my own book publishing company (fiction & nonfiction). After fighting my way, tooth and nail, through nine-year shit storm of challenges, I finally received my undergraduate degree in Journalism with a Minor in Business this May. It's funny that for the nine years it took me to earn this degree, I constantly complained about how unfair it was that because I didn't have it, I was paid lower wages and treated with less esteem than those who had earned their undergraduate degrees. I also felt that not having my degree excluded me from being considered for important work projects, promotions and from applying for jobs that truly interested me. I thought that administrative assisting and office support were the jobs I was doomed to have because I lacked that degree. So imagine when after graduation, a hairy ball of anxiety suddenly began growing in my stomach as I realized that my career options appeared to be the same as they had been prior to my receiving the degree. Once I had that certificate, unsolicited job offers didn't flood in. Being able to type "college graduate" on my resume didn't result in any more calls for job interviews than I'd received when I applied for jobs without having a degree.
And so a universal truth became evident to me: The world does not pay men for what they know, but for what they DO with what they know.
After letting these words dissolve into my mind, I began to feel like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz...everything I've ever needed to succeed, I've HAD ALL ALONG!
But my procrastination seemed to make sense at times. Oh, I'll start my business after I get away from one crazy job and move on to a better one; I'll start my business after I complete my bachelor's degree, I'll start my business after I work in the publishing field for a little while; I'll start my business after I earn an MBA...
All delay tactics. I've heard one should never put off what one can do today. And I've heard that tomorrow never comes. Honestly, it seems that everytime I check off yet another goal from my to-do list, which stood in the way of me starting this business I've dreamt of for four years now, I create another to-do list item that must be done.
Today, after a particularly bleak day at the office where I'm presently working as a temporary executive assistant, I decided to stop in the bookstore before going home. I saw some inspirational magnets that really drew my attention, since I'm always on the hunt for inspirational messages. I admired many of the magnets, but one really spoke to me deep down at the bottom of my consciousness. It read:

"What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"

I knew the answer right away. I would start this business. I would create work for myself that is meaningful, satisfying and fulfilling. Work that I could be proud of. I would create a company that I'd be proud of. I would live my life unafraid and full of faith that my steps are guided by the Creator. I wouldn't worry about bills, or whether people like me enough, or if I'm in the right networking circles, or any of the other nonsense that clutters my mind so often.
What would I do if I knew I could not fail? I would live the hell out of my life. Fearlessly. Unapologetically.
I would launch this publishing company and fly on golden wings as high as my dreams and imagination will carry me.

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