Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Aspire To Be Great In 2008!

I first heard "Be Great in 2008" on the radio, and it resonated deeply with me.
This is a brand new year, and a fresh opportunity to make our dreams come true. It's a chance to shed our fears and insecurities, to stop second-guessing ourselves and finally take that leap into living our dreams!
In the spirit of Being Great in 2008, I wish to share my list of New Year's Resolutions with you. In the past, I've never been one to make resolutions at the start of a new year because I've always looked at goal-setting as an ongoing part of life, not just an activity that should be considered on January 1.
But I decided at the end of 2007, that I'd like to track my progress in accomplishing a few specific goals, starting from day one of this new year. I am confident that I will have fulfilled all of my resolutions by the end of this year.
So, without further delay, here are the goals I am aspiring for in my plan to be GR-R-R-EAT in 2008!
Much Love, Peace and Blessings, everybody... and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

2008 New Year's Resolution
In 2008, I resolve to:
  1. Start each day with prayer, at least 15 minutes of meditation, and a reading of the Bible/Torah/Holy Scriptures.
  2. Read the newspaper each day.
  3. Exercise daily by either cardio, muscular, yoga or dance workouts.
  4. Eat fruits and vegetables each day and become better disciplined about preparing more meals at home.
  5. Complete no less than one manuscript this year.
  6. Discipline myself to write each day.
  7. Finish reading at least one book each week.
  8. Watch less television.
  9. Join a group for writers that expands my mind, and in which I feel comfortable and productive.
  10. Apply for at least 100 positions in the publishing industry.
  11. Read all the books I've purchased about the publishing industry.
  12. STOP brooding over things that are out of my control; and no longer keep grudges.
  13. Love more and give back to the world by helping someone else.
  • Volunteer to help people in need
  • Help out at shelters for women and children (Eliza Shirley House, Salvation Army, soup kitchens, food banks)

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